RULES & GUIDELINES Rules in the Sky General Warnings NO waiver, NO jumpIf you have ANY health limitations – DO NOT JUMPNo jumping under the influence of DRUGS or ALCOHOLNo objects or devices allowed on the trampolinesWear jumping socks at ALL timesDO NOT JUMP IF YOU ARE PREGNANT Open Jump Area ONLY ONE person per trampolineALWAYS land on your FEETNo DOUBLE bouncingSINGLE flips onlyNo SITTING or LYING on any trampolinesNo HANGING or CLIMBING ON on the walls or side trampolinesBounce within your LIMITS and SKILL LEVELSALWAYS WALK on and off courtsStay on ONE trampoline at a timeALWAYS Follow MARSHALS rulesAVOID collisions and look around to avoid accidents Dodge Ball All participants start at the back wallRetrieve BALLS from middle AFTER whistle blewReturn to back of wall after retrieving ballsNo HEADSHOTS – you will be OUTThe ball is considered “dead” if it hits anything before hitting the opposing teamNo DOUBLE HITSNo ARGUING with refereesYou are OUT if: You are hit by the opposition’s ball or you catch a thrown ballNo DIVINGNo FOUL comments Dunk Court No FLIP DUNKS allowedNO adults or TEENAGERS using lower rim laneNo HANGING on rim, backboard or netALWAYS only ONE jumper per laneYou have ONE CHANCE per turnLand on BOTH FEET after your dunkLand ON TRAMPOLINE surface after dunkingNo CHEST or BACK landingNo touching the BACKBOARDNEVER assist other jumpers with TRICKSNO BOOING or NEGATIVE comments towards other jumpers