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It’s no secret that trampolining is one of the best and most effective exercises. In NASA’s opinion, “rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective form of exercise yet devised by man.” Trampolining provides a low-impact workout that strengthens muscles and improves balance.

Cardiovascular Fitness

NASA researchers found that bouncing on a trampoline for 10 minutes is more effective than running for 33 minutes in terms of cardiovascular exercise. The report said, “for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the bio-mechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running.” Bouncing also stimulates the flow in a way that helps to eliminate wastes and toxins.

Co-ordination & Agility

Bouncing on a trampoline increases your sense of balance as well as your sense of coordination. While bouncing, you learn to control the coordination of the arms and legs and to adjust your body position accordingly. Coordination and fine motor skills are important in other sports that require a lot of hand-eye and general coordination. Acrobats and gymnasts also use trampolines to improve their coordinated skills while performing aerial tasks.

Low Impact Exercising

Even though trampolining provides an intense workout for the muscles and bones, 80% of the shock is absorbed by the mat or pad. As a workout that gives you an all-around workout, trampolining is less likely to injure your joints, especially your ankles and knees, than jogging or playing tennis. Particularly those with limited mobility or those undergoing rehabilitation will benefit from this.

Muscle Toning

With trampolining, your muscles become more supple and your body fat percentage drops. Regular trampoline use can also improve posture and general muscle health. John Beer, Olympic coach to the British trampolining team, says: “Your core-stability muscles are almost constantly engaged to keep you stable and balanced, meaning a tauter, stronger stomach and lower back.” He acknowledges NASA research that trampolines help to strengthen the whole body.

Improved Health

By regularly bouncing on a trampoline, you can boost your body's metabolic rate and burn calories more effectively. By exercising on a trampoline, you experience an increased G-force, which strengthens your cells and boosts the activity of immune cells, which reduces your chances of getting sick because your immune system is stronger.

Training and Instruction

By trampolining, you can reduce your risk of osteoporosis, brittle bone disease and fractures. The musculoskeletal system is repeatedly placed under mild stress while jumping, which enables your bones to become more resilient against the impact of rebounding. Your bone mineral density is also improved. As a result, your bones and joints are protected as you exercise on the trampoline pad.

Stress Relief

Through trampolining, the brain releases more endorphins and this helps combat depression, anxiety, and stress. Rebounding regularly can help you relax, promote better sleep patterns, and boost your energy level. Trampoline exercises increase oxygen circulation throughout the body, making you more alert and improving mental performance.